TBTC Victoria West and Beach Patrol 3220 are dreaming of a waste-free world

World clean up day

On the 16th of September, TBTC Victoria West is joining forces with Beach Patrol 3220 to clean up Geelong Eastern Beach. As part of World Cleanup Day, we are getting rid of plastic bottles, food containers, Styrofoam, and other rubbish that poses health risks to beach-goers and makes it difficult for wildlife to thrive.

Held from 3pm-5pm, we are meeting at the corner Herne Parade and Eastern Beach Road. Beach Patrol 3220 will supply gloves and rubbish bags, and TBTC Victoria West will provide sanitising wipes, keep cups and hot coffee. Come on down and join your community as we contribute to eliminating single-use plastics. Register now.

Ready to learn more? Let’s talk.

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